Category: Sourcing

Landed Cost
Blog, Sourcing, Supply Chain Management

Are you Relying on Guesswork to Calculate Landed Costs?

Distributors are in a jam. We all want to assess sources of supply from all around the globe. But how do we compare an off-shore with an on-shore supplier? Or […]

Image showing a man selecting a point from a virtual grid as an example of e-sourcing
Blog, Sourcing, Supply Chain Management

Maximizing Savings Through Strategic Sourcing: A Game-Changer for Your Company’s Bottom Line

Introduction: In the dynamic landscape of business, cost efficiency is paramount for sustaining growth and profitability. One powerful tool that businesses can leverage to achieve substantial savings is strategic sourcing. […]

man's hands using a laptop with superimposed images like cogs and charts showing how data from QSTRAT's quoting software can help businesses
Blog, Sourcing, Supply Chain Management

The Crucial Role of a Strategic Sourcing System in Business Success

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, strategic sourcing has become a critical function for organizations looking to optimize their procurement processes, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge. To […]

Blog, Sourcing, Supply Chain Management

Why do I need another system for Sourcing, why don’t I just use my ERP?

Why not ERP? Many companies look to their ERP system and the procurement tools it provides to identify supplier sources for materials and services required in the cost estimation process. […]

(ESG) Management Program, Sustainability, Supply Chain
Blog, Quoting Software, Sourcing, Supply Chain Management

How your organization benefits from implementing a Supplier Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Management Program   

Sustainability continues its upward trend as an operating and social conscience metric for companies of all kinds. Customers in all markets consider it strongly when deciding on the source of […]

Blog, Costing, Quoting Software, Sales, Sourcing

Is your quoting process still based on error-prone spreadsheets?

You’ve finally keyed in the last piece of information into your costing spreadsheet – after days of back and forth with suppliers – and submitted your quote to the client. […]

Image showing a man selecting a point from a virtual grid as an example of e-sourcing
Blog, Sourcing, Supply Chain Management

A better way to do e-Sourcing

In today’s global marketplace, leveraging low-cost suppliers in countries around the world has made the business of sourcing products and services increasingly more complex and challenging. Accessing and communicating with […]

Landed Cost
Blog, Sourcing, Supply Chain Management

Are you Relying on Guesswork to Calculate Landed Costs?

Distributors are in a jam. We all want to assess sources of supply from all around the globe. But how do we compare an off-shore with an on-shore supplier? Or […]